
The wedding of Crown Prince of Spain surprised the world

Nearly a week since the Spaniards had been immersed in the joy, because of their handsome Crown Prince Felipe will hold a grand wedding, the famous female anchor Letizia Ehud ????? Mascherano will become Spain the first ever cheap bridesmaid dresses civilian Princess. Local time at 11:00 on May 22 (Beijing time on May 22 at 18:00), Madrid, Alberto Mu Dena Cathedral witnessed this historic moment, thousands of guests and correspondents in the blessing, the couple solemnly to read the marriage vows.
The first time a century royal wedding in Madrid
Since November 2003, Crown Prince Felipe and ????? engagement after the Spanish royal family in full swing for this on the couple planning a wedding, and since this is a century, the first royal wedding in Madrid, combined King Juan Carlos I, personally, told the Mayor of Madrid Royal Albert Louis East Alaska to make a "due contributions, so the Madrid city government for as long as six months to prepare.
$ 130,000 bought roses decorate the streets 20,000
To make the wedding of Crown Prince is full of romantic atmosphere, specifically from the Spanish government ordered 20 000 Ecuador red roses, this rose brightly colored, fragrant, flowering up to two weeks, their price is no cheaper, a total of up to $ 130,000 . Gardening experts selected a special trip to Ecuador budding buds, put them in a special container, strict control of temperature and humidity, to ensure that flowers bloom in the wedding day.
However, in the entire wedding expenses, the costs of buying roses should be considered as a "small expense, the Crown Prince's wedding to do in order to get a decent scenery, the Spanish government have spent a million euros, according to the U.S. Cable News Network (CNN) reported, Government is prepared to 400 million euros in special expenses for the wedding day, there are 8 million euros is for public security.
Alerted the Air Force F-18 fighter counter-terrorism
3.11 Madrid bombings in order to avoid tragedy, the wedding to ensure safe, smooth, Spanish police after careful consideration, a series of well-developed security plan. Wedding day, 18,000 national police, civil defense police, police and the army began in Madrid took to the streets to perform security tasks, 200 sniper ambush in the city thoroughfares on the roof of nearby buildings; State Ministry of the Interior within a radius of 70 km regional implementation of the air traffic control, Air Force F-18 fighter jets on standby.
Even so, the Spanish government and the police do not worry. Security measures as one of the wedding day, they rented an equipment to the NATO airborne warning and control system with the reconnaissance plane, ready to get married in a ceremony at the Crown Prince as a security and defense purposes.
Spain unprecedented issued commemorative stamps specifically for the royal wedding
To commemorate this solemn and grand wedding, the Spanish Post Office plans to issue a May 24 special nature of the "historical event stamps, according to British media reports, the stamp of the face value of 0.27 euros, the screen is the Crown Prince Felli wear and ????? two bust stamps will be issued a total of 525,000, which is the first time in Spanish history, post offices specifically for members of the royal wedding stamps, wedding shows in Spain for the Prince's attention.
Prince distribute eggs to stop rain prayer
May 21, rainy Spain, Prince Felipe and ????? have an umbrella to the airport to meet heads of state from various countries and royal family members. Local weather forecasters said the probability of rain 22 up to 80%, which is probably for the wedding will be big Sha Fengjing.
Thus, in accordance with local custom, the Crown Prince and ????? prepared a number of eggs, they personally came to the vicinity of the monastery, where the eggs distributed to high moral standing of the nuns, in order to "touched by God, begging for their joyful will be a sunny day good weather.
1600 4000 correspondents gathered guests, the size of rude Charles
May 22, the Spanish royal family, this grand wedding kicked off, 1600 guests attended the bride to the groom and best wishes, from over 40 countries and more than 4,000 reporters gathered on-site, 12 million viewers through live about throughout the whole wedding process. It can be said that this grand wedding in terms of scale or impact is not worse than purple bridesmaid dresses Charles and Diana when miracles.
More than 30 heads of state, gathered more than 40 royal family members
Starting from May 21, more than 30 heads of state, more than 40 members of the royal family arrived in Madrid, including the Belgian royal family, a King of Sweden, a Queen of the Netherlands, Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan, Jordan, King Houlaniya, Iran Last to Houlawahe, Norway royal couple, Colombia President and Mrs. President of Ecuador couple, former South African President Nelson Mandela, and so on. Crown Prince Felipe's two sisters then went to Madrid with his family early on, to his brother gifts.
It is worth mentioning that the British Crown Prince Charles also came to Madrid. That year, he and Diana got married, to the British royal family has issued invitations King and Queen of Spain, but the couple said the king, as Charles and Diana choose to honeymoon in British Gibraltar, and that land, "which is part of the Spaniards, So they refused to attend that wedding.
World unique wedding dress
Felli 35 Pei Wangzi will be a Spanish army uniforms as a wedding dress, this gift by the Spanish master's most famous fashion design ????? Nadu, he chose a Catalan Crown Prince production of fine cloth area material, and invited eight highly skilled tailors, all made by hand. Serna said that they all use the best materials, and even on the cuffs of gold thread is superb century palace.
Bridal dress designer is International Women's Master Manuel Erpei Ortega, he had a luxurious ????? tailored fashion and not exposed to the "middle path wedding. The wedding of the sleeve very modern, hit a lot of folds on the skirt, long skirt tail and noble style, while the veil is "beautiful and unparalleled.
New wedding not forget to pray for peace
May 22 morning, Crown Prince and ????? came to the center of Madrid Royal Palace of Madrid, 10 o'clock local time, they are accompanied by relatives, friends and guests came to the palace not far from Al Mulder Na Cathedral. In front of the bishop, which has long been lovers of love around excitedly read the wedding vows, promise never to do the other partner, then applause at the guests and exchanged wedding rings.
After the marriage ceremony, the couple up to a carriage decorated with flowers, they passed the red carpet, the Crown Prince's sister, a lot a lot of petals will be sprinkled into their heads. This wedding carriage ride through several main streets of Madrid, to accept the blessings along the way citizens. Finally, they came to the 3.11 terrorist attacks took place - Madrid train station, where the couple first moment of silence for the dead, and then delivered a speech, I hope soon the dead rest in peace, called for world peace.
Since then, the royal couple will return to the Royal Palace of Madrid, to participate in the wedding banquet held here. Cook for many guests is the Spanish chefs Qiaoqi, he and his aides prepared a hearty dishes, cocktail dresses including cold cuts, deli and dessert, etc., so that the scene of the guests a real treat.
Crown Prince couple's new home worth $ 5,000,000
The couple will be home in the current Crown Prince Felipe spend wedding night, there will also be a "Cinderella ????? the final return. The house from the outside is just a common garden villas, But it's enough to have 1771 square meters of usable area, up to 500 million in value, inside the decor is fantastic.
Crown Prince Felipe was only in June 2002 moved here to live, and now, in order to meet the new Princess, Crown Prince Felipe of many specially renovated room. The King of Spain from their residence is very close to the couple's home, if you drive to the king's house, only about 2 minutes.
After a year and a half fell in love for life, Crown Prince marital Road Review
????? aged 32, she was beautiful, with grace, once served as Spain's famous host of public television channels, had her in the "abc" served as a correspondent. She was a writer in 1998 and married but the marriage broke down just to maintain it for one year.
In September 2002, first met Prince ?????, two People's Congress on Iraq conflict, and since then, they had quite a good impression on the other side. In October 2002, in the "Prince of Asturias Award ceremony, the two meet again and talk. In December, ????? Galicia in northwestern Spain, when reports oil spill , the third encounter Prince, a few months later, the Crown Prince has finally proposed to her appointments.
Since then, the fashion of the modern independent woman completely captured the crown prince's heart. November 1, 2003, Crown Prince Eve spread the news in Spain, the whole country was surprised. Five days later, two people in the royal family and ????? engagement witnessed by parents. The end of November, ????? resigned from office television, started to concentrate on learning how to do a competent good Princess.
This year, the 3.11 terrorist attacks in Madrid, ????? to those who lost loved ones in the attack victims' families a helping hand, to deepen the Spanish royal family and the emotional bond between the civilian population, more consistent access to the Spanish praise.

Men Flirt confession: sexy woman with age is proportional to

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Men Flirt confession: sexy woman with age is proportional to the
A man's true confession: a woman's sexy and proportional to the age, sex will become more beautiful. Enjoy it.
Christina I have more than 25, less than 30 female friends, she works decent, good boyfriend, life easy. But a few days ago she said to me: I consider the play botulinum. "I have to ask why - there is no trace of wrinkles on her face." I know ah, she was proud to answer: "But I want to keep the current appearance. Do not you think is more sexy?
Well, I do not think, since you asked I'll be honest: I do not think so. Na Kaite Winslet for instance, the movie "Titanic", she vivid and moving, powerful, warm, very feminine - but sexy? When the film's Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio ornaments ) will be her in my arms, the two climbed into the back seat of luxury cars, I never thought that they would go to bed. However, after 10 years in the movie "love trip", the same with Leonardo played opposite, her gestures are quite different, both Charm and sexy, as if to re-adapt to the body.
Then look at Jennifer Aniston. American popular album, "six" of Rachel? Quite lovely. Now? Scared to Heaven. Penelope Cruz (35 years), Angelina Jolie (34), Eva Longoria (34) ... the list can continue to go out, but you know what I mean. Because self-confidence, filled with these Mature sexy, look at their actions, as well as spontaneous humor intelligent and accessible. Their names were printed on posters, and worth millions of dollars, and they look worthy of the name.
Men and women are similar, when still young, still in a fight a group of self. Career, lifestyle, like where to live, what kind of person wants to be ... ... the end of puberty, when you think there should be answers, but when things happen to them, the difficulties better than many others the story of the mouth, your sex life is the same: all is not instinctive reaction, but after pretense, you explore one side, one side desperately wants to know: I good enough? he / she like? I did the right thing? they will with friends how to say? all a little awkward, a little difficult to control, it is still very good, but not as mature passion and ecstasy.
Perhaps this is the same with food ? ? first date, you point the cold prawns, steak and fries. Great, but not the best. Grow older, you begin to appreciate the duck sauce, sweet white wine wipe bread accompanied by Mu Sika charm, and fell in love with the feeling that they blend in the tongue. Had a point until the menu, steak and fries you back to the embrace. But this time, you know the right way, the right place and right time, good taste than the first million times, because now you really know what he wants.
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"20s, when sex is a wonderful thing, but usually is just an experience, or just a show, my friend Ed says," but the 30-something woman with dating, you will find they are more than You know your body.
Luxury hotel room, a 30-something woman, toward the room in the bed around, the way she moves is definitely there are so different. Hip swing, Sixiaofeixiao mischievous look in her lips and eyes in the bloom, and if lucky enough to have a man lying in the bed, feeling like opening a Christmas gift, which has also found that all of the installed battery.
She calmly, know how good their looks, she can breath condensable gas from the men, as well as praise, but stuttered askew like the awkward kind of see it. She might think a man's flattering words do not convey this very gratifying ? just enough sexy. Gently rocking her bed to look like legs (God, a woman of action! You really want our life, too terrible a), or the way his body grazed the skin, not a 22-year-old young woman capable of having .
We like you, fear is always the same, really. You are faced with the joy of self-confidence so that we follow the desires involved in your whirlpool. You also understand that only needs a touch, able to lead a restless, feeling unbearably hot dog climbed the pinnacle of bliss. Of course not all men Like "graduates" of the actor as obsessed Mature, but the fact remains ? ? film a classic is not without reason.
I am 16 years old, had to help a neighbor in a lovely Jaschinski wife to take care of children, when I spent a lot of time studying what to do Dustin Hoffman in the end, escape so attractive to play Mrs. Robinson in the. Shakespeare's poem "the seven stages of life" (The Seven Ages of Man), he definitely missed a trick. He described the person's life is school children, soldiers, judges, retired people, etc., well, understand, meaning a man's life are switched. However, the seven stages of a woman is another matter entirely, and their journey with a man completely different.
Mature women than men, even earlier than men know what they want. Frankly, we are at least 25 years old to learn to dialogue with people of dignity, the situation is no different bedroom. But we try to learn. Met until the first true love in life, we are considered to understand the mysteries of the human body, it is kind of new, pleasant feelings, since then you will put on the battlefield, like the kind of adolescent sexual forgotten.
Because young people, sex is inevitable due to calm, the taste of a kind not on the table, the boys care deeply about is touchdowns, all day long chat with the brothers, some five hundred forty-three junk, we take this to prove that they are sophisticated, self-confidence , and afraid of other people feel too weak, not handsome, but we are very aware of their purpose is to "base it on while I look back now and found the course of adolescent girls double hard, only to have to sacrifice for both to be warm again inside, and also must be careful in self-love, self-esteem and happiness out between a narrow road.
To the 20s, life changing, you will find that sex is fun. Really, really "happy. Woody Allen said, no laughter at all the pleasure, the sex is the best one. (But according to my own experience, most sex is always full of praise ? ? laughter was a laugh, and laugh who is not who, it seems the key is wonderful). Along the way, every step is very interesting, while the men are all grateful that I can participate, and getting together with you to build on their confidence.
Of course, this hard-won confidence, it would not have to worry about who will help you. But do not forget the power in their hands ? ? or you will have another long after the power of old. This way you will not pessimism, insecurity disappeared, increased self-confidence, life's answers also will emerge one. Do not lie to you, when a woman become a genuine woman, she would be very confident ? ? from her talent, wisdom and life experience. She will not understand the power men exercise of faith. Her keen mind, his body full of pride, and meaningful conversation fascinating, this is the most sexy thing.
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Heralds entertainment next year, Zhang and his girlfriend Jenny Chan Yuen has also decided to rob the train take the marriage. 13 years to both thick and thin, when he shot the film in Taiwan, James Wan Ni, TV reporter, interviewed him because he gets this love. Zhang said that one day, he suddenly thought of James Wan Ni, He found her business card, it is not the phone's on the BB machine linked to her, Chan Yuen-Ni is also really back to the phone, began to date even after so many insiders unsuccessful.
Ms Jenny Chan said, and Zhang together, face to face photographers had to persuade: "Zhang is helping them, you dare with him, she thought: what do you off! James Wan Ni quite personality, ignoring the outside world vision, She is a Leo, but Zhang is Aquarius, the two very different personality, she like boys Taidalielie, Zhang is a delicate and evening dresses sensitive artist, has experienced a long period of adjustment, she said: "We are big temper The most serious have been quarreling, to break up. But in the end they will also be coming into fruition.
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The big stars of the second marriage too fast

For many stars, the witness himself from the Sentimental mature, big break from the fringes to the other half is often not perfect, often after years of marriage to the quality of life choose to divorce. Interestingly, many stars in the experience of the first marriage failed after the second marriage is often the sweet honey, fast, and this particular dish was the second marriage of painful marriage nod others envy bridesmaid dresses the big star.

Chen Kaige

Chen Kaige was young, at best, only be regarded as an avant-garde artist, but it was settled long for San Liangxia art Hung, two in 1989, two New York City Hall in the United States registered marriage knot, perhaps this too emotional to be too easy, four years after their marriage ended in Chen Kaige faithless.


In 1993, Christy took off Miss Chinese International winner, then went to Hong Kong, incredible career zenith and met only a month for the Belgian boyfriend GlennRoss unmarried daughters. Although the two officially married after the birth of her daughter, but keep this paragraph more than a year of marriage will only end in divorce.

Chow Yun-Fat

In 1983, the only angle in the film and reveal with Idy Chan Chow Yun Fat (Note: Chow Yun Fat, Idy Chan was uttered to suicide) suddenly announced a few months after breaking up with Candice Yu marriage, a sensation of Hong Kong, but Chow Yun-Fat pique the final outcome of the marriage ceremony have long been doomed, just nine months after the marriage Candice Yu Chow Yun-fat and an end.

Faye Wong

In July 1996, as third party intervention, "Panthers lead singer Faye Wong Dou Wei life in the third year after the two exchanges, the official registration of marriage in Beijing, in order to Dou Wei, Faye Wong willing to give up the heart of Hong Kong, flourishing career, Beijing willing to nest in a small courtyard, laundry and cooking of ordinary life to live, but already Dou Wei recognize this marriage eventually came to an end and another new love.

Feng Xiaogang

Zhang Feng Xiaogang's ex-wife is a nurse at a hospital in Beijing, They married Feng in Beijing Urban Construction Development Corporation Director-General to do unions style. However, since the director to do after too busy with work and family together far more than her daughter, their relationship gradually fades. In 1999, Feng Xiaogang and Zhang agreed to a divorce.

Jet Li

Jet Li's first wife Qiuyan is Jet Li's fellow schoolmates in 1984 and Jet Li starring in the film "Shaolin Kids", June 1987, Huang Qiuyan and Jet Li did not put the evening dresses wedding, do the ceremony, did not tell any friends and family situation get married, in 1990, Jet Li and Huang Qiuyan divorce, divorce, had two daughters.

Yang Lan

Yang Lan in 1990, not long after graduating from college, marry their alumni, but also his father brought graduate Zhang Yibing, Zhang Yibing this feeling of success lies in the persistent pursuit, but soon after the marriage, Yang Lan to the United States on study leave CCTV, lonely student life in the face of the Wu Yang Lan made after derailment, with ex-husband and harmoniously parted.


1976, 19-year-old Zhao left alone, Zhao and Ge Shuzhen married. In May 1991, Zhao and Ge Shuzhen and kindness divorced, Zhao savings of 25 million in all, a house and an old Sanshiyiting leased car, all to the Ge Shuzhen and two child, select the homecoming dresses "purification from households, and after many years have been to take care of his ex-wife and children, but also be doing everything humanly possible.


Adam in the beginning of entry, woods, Lydia appeared to reverse the whole situation, Lydia rely on their extensive relationships in show business, decided four recommended he participate in the filming movies and television, Adam interpretation of the numerous people behind the suave romantic have Lydia's selfless assistance, they experienced nearly a decade of unmarried cohabitation after marriage in 1987, shortly after the marriage, the two daughter Joyce was born, obviously Parental Guidance, but this also times that lay hidden in a divorce.